Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Policy Regarding LA City Council Decision of Marijuana Dispensaries

I support the city council's decision to restrict marijuana dispensaries from being within 1000 feet of schools, libraries, and parks.

The purple areas indicate the restricted areas (within 1000 feet of schools, libraries, and parks) while the yellow areas represent areas where dispensaries can operate. According to the data obtained from our GIS, it appears that there is adequate area for dispensaries to do business outside of the 1000 feet restriction.

The costs incurred to the county by this decision include loss in revenue from marijuana dispensaries since less dispensaries would be able to operate under this new policy and there may also be potential illegal selling of marijuana in restricted areas, increasing the level of crime in these areas.

The benefits of this policy include reducing the access that children have to marijuana dispensaries and heightened regulation of the marijuana industry.

I believe that the benefits outweigh the costs in this case. The motivation behind the legalization of marijuana is to be able to regulate it. A tough stance such as the one California took against smoking is also needed against marijuana since it does have psychologically altering effects and should definitely be regulated.

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